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We are delighted to inform you that we install Rain Water Harvesting System in BaSE Warehouse!

Water plays a significant role in our lives since it is a precious natural resource. Over the past few years, there has been an increase in water shortages in several parts of the world.

It is vital that ideal measures are put in place to help to reduce the high rate of water loss. With the change in climate patterns, people need to be aware of the alarming water shortage that we face currently and the imminent danger of severe shortage in the future.

Rainwater harvesting is one of the most effective methods of water management and water conservation. This method is very useful to collect water and save water. In Khulna, region water contains Iron & Saline. In the dry season, the groundwater level goes low.

Also, to dying Jute, Date Palm Leaf, Fabric is not convenient with iron & saline water. To reduce the water bill and to dye the raw materials more perfectly we installed the rainwater system. We collecting the rainwater from the roof and reserve the water in 5,500 ltr. tank.

We express our big thanks to our partner Equomercato for the great cooperation.

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