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Hasina is a 60-year-old woman who has dedicated her life to fighting poverty. She was born into a large family with seven sisters, and her father was a farmer who struggled to make ends meet. Hasina had to overcome many challenges to get an education, but she eventually completed her secondary school certificate.

In 1971, Hasina married Abdul Razzak, who worked in a local office for a low salary. The couple had a son, Shimanto, and Hasina worked hard to support her family. In 1981, she started working as a Banchte Shekha organizer, where she learned valuable handicraft skills such as sewing, stitching, and cutting. She quickly climbed the ranks and became a Production Supervisor at Banchte Shekha, managing BaSE productions.

Hasina’s hard work and dedication allowed her to provide a good life for her family. She was able to send Shimanto to school, and he eventually graduated from university with a master’s degree. In 2008, BaSE provided Hasina with an interest-free loan to repair her house, which was in poor condition.

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In 2018, Hasina’s husband passed away suddenly. Despite this tragedy, she continued to work hard to support her son. Shimanto is now thriving in his career at Daraz, a well-known e-commerce company owned by Alibaba Group.

Hasina retired in 2022 and is now enjoying her retirement. She is grateful to BaSE for the opportunities it has given her, and she is proud of the work she has done to help others.

Hasina’s story is an inspiration to us all. She is a woman who has overcome many challenges and achieved great things. She is a role model for women everywhere, and we are grateful for her work and dedication.

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